
Capital Campaign


As our congregation approaches 150 years, we stand with those generations who faithfully and intentionally participated in God’s glorious plan and have benefitted from His abundant gifts. Continuing our journey at St. Paul requires us to address significant maintenance items while providing enhancements for outreach. 

The campaign will fund building repairs to ensure our facilities are safe, allow us to make renovations so we can operate more effectively and improvements to upgrade our building functionality, plus provide support to other ministries and missions beyond our walls. 

Trusting in God’s gracious provision we hope to ensure St. Paul can serve the community and members well and be a beacon of Christ’s love for generations to come.

Presentation – May 1st 2022:

Streamed May 1st, 2022


Campaign Updates

Updates and timelines on upcoming projects will be added here as the information is available!


What is the Capital Campaign for?

The Capital Campaign is to raise funds for projects that cannot be covered by our annual operating budget. By undertaking these capital improvements now, we hope to build on our strong past for the future growth of God’s kingdom.

What is the timing for the campaign?

The campaign will begin in May 2022 and run for three years.

How much will these improvements cost?

Our goal is to raise $600,000 to fund the critical projects identified. If more or less is raised, then the projects will be handled in priority, based on available funds.

What about the General Fund? Can that be used toward this?

Our annual budget already allocates the General Fund for specific operating expenses throughout the church and school, such as staff salaries and utility bills. The Capital Campaign would fund long-term building improvements and other necessary projects that are over and above our regular expenses.

How do I give? Is there an online giving option for the project?

Special campaign envelopes will be provided and gifts can be in the form of cash/check, stocks, credit card. Online/Electronic transfer will also be available.