

Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning – Topical Bible study, weekly at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday Morning – The “Growing in Christ” class, also at 9:45 a.m., provides an adult-level discussion of the Bible stories that the children are learning in Sunday school.

Monday Morning – Women’s Bible study September-June, at 9:00 am.

Wednesday Morning – Topical Bible study weekly at 10 a.m.

Small Groups – Formed periodically for topical studies at the homes of hosting members.

Children’s Ministry

Nursery Care — Drop off nursery care open to children 1-5 years old. We provide a safe and loving caregiver for the 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services. Parents may drop their children off with the caregiver, stay with their child or simply stop in to use the changing table and other nursery resources.

Sunday School — Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Children age 3 through eighth grade can enjoy a time of music, bible stories, and crafts while learning about God’s character, His Word, and His contact with His people..

Vacation Bible School – VBS at St. Paul is designed to draw children into the love of Jesus Christ. All children from age 3 (potty-trained) through fifth grade are welcome. Learn more about VBS!

Youth Ministry

Youth Sunday School – This Bible study, for grades 9-12, meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Youth Activities – These events are scheduled to help high school aged youth grow in their faith, to teach and encourage them to share their faith, to provide opportunities of service, and for fellowship. Examples include:

  • Game nights
  • Concerts
  • Mission trips
  • Christmas party
  • Fall Leaf Raking
  • Serving Easter breakfast or Lenten Dinners for the congregation
  • Volunteering at Vacation Bible School

Young Adults Ministry

This group of young adults caters to Christians in their twenties and thirties. The focus is on small group bible study and social outings. Christian fellowship and friendship drive the time spent together.

Women’s Ministry

Bible Study – Women’s Bible study Monday mornings, September – June, at 9 a.m.

MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers (birth – age 5) is an international organization designed to serve mothers in this season of life. Members learn to be more honest, feel more equipped, and find a sense of identity by journeying alongside one another. Meetings are from 9:00-11:00 a.m. every second and fourth Tuesday, from September to May. Childcare is provided. Contact stpaul.royaloak.mops@gmail.com or call 248-733-5065 for more information.

MOMSnext – This extension of MOPS is for mothers of school aged children. The two groups meet together to promote friendship, encouragement, and fellowship. Contact stpaul.royaloak.mops@gmail.com or call 248-733-5065 for more information

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Thursday Breakfast – This group meets at 8:15 a.m. every Thursday at the Avenue restaurant (Woodward, North of 13 Mile). All men are invited to attend for fellowship.

Men’s Saturday Breakfast – This group meets at 7:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of the month. All men are invited to enjoy fellowship, devotions, breakfast, and topical discussions.

Annual Retreat — This getaway is held the week after Labor Day at Camp Arcadia in Arcadia, Michigan. Attending men enjoy fellowship and spiritual nourishment with other Lutheran men from around the state.

Community Involvement

We firmly believe that God’s unconditional love should inspire us to love and serve those around us. At St. Paul, we equip our members to serve, that they may reach out beyond the church walls to meet the tangible needs of our community, showing Christ’s love to our neighbors through actions.

With the help of our members, St. Paul Lutheran Church:

  • Provides a community food pantry
  • Handles all the festival recycling for Arts, Beats, and Eats
  • Hosts a Trunk or Treat on Main Street
  • Sends choirs to perform at Detroit’s Noel Night
  • Organizes a local Easter Egg Hunt with over 15,000 eggs
  • Arranges Royal Oak’s National Day of Prayer
  • Hosts a week long Vacation Bible School well attended by the community
  • Hosts MOPS and MOMSnext to serve mothers of the community


Enjoy the convenience of online giving. St. Paul is happy to offer electronic giving, which allows you to make a one-time donation or to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. . Many people find it convenient instead of writing checks each week and it provides much-needed donation consistency for our church.

Time & Talent Interests

According to Gods Word, there is an intimate connection between faith and life. The kind of life we live flows from the faith that lives in our hearts. As we grow and mature in what God wills for our lives, we learn better to love our neighbor.

Faith is a vibrant and living thing. According to Martin Luther, faith is dynamic. It expresses itself in words and actions. Faith expresses itself in love. Good works never save, but true faith never exists without them.

What Our Church Members Are Saying