
Mission Statement of

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School

The mission of St. Paul Lutheran Church and School is to equip, support, serve and witness where God calls us so that our members and guests will be inspired by the Gospel and united into a Family of Followers through God’s Word.

Worship Times


Sundays 8:15AM & 11AM (traditional)


Summer; July – September:

Sundays 9:30AM (traditional)


Lenten Services:

Ash Wednesday: March 5th at 7PM

Imposition of Ashes: March 5th at 6:45PM

Midweek Services: March 12, 19, 26; April 02, 09 at 7PM


Holy Week Services:

Palm Sunday: April 13th at 8:15AM/11AM

Maundy Thursday: April 17th at 7PM

Good Friday Tre Ore: April 18th from 12PM-3PM // Tenebrae at 7PM


Easter Services:

Easter Morning: April 20th at 7:00AM/9:00AM/11:00AM

St. Paul Lutheran Church
202 E. Fifth St, Royal Oak, MI 48067

Fellowship Opportunities

Adult Bible Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning

Monday Morning Women’s Bible study

Wednesday Morning

Small Groups Home Study

Children and Youth Ministry

Nursery Care During Sunday church services

Sunday School

Vacation Bible School

Youth Sunday School – grades 9-12

Youth Activities – High school aged youth

Young Adult Ministry

A group of young adults in their twenties and thirties meeting for small group bible study and social outings.

Women’s Ministry

Bible Study – Monday mornings

MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers (birth – age 5)

MOMSnext – For mothers of school aged children.

Men’s Ministry

Men’s Thursday Breakfast – Thursdays 8:15 a.m. at the Avenue restaurant

Men’s Saturday Breakfast – 7:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of the month.

Annual Retreat — The week after Labor Day at Camp Arcadia in Arcadia, Michigan.

Community Involvement

Community food pantry

Recycling for Arts, Beats, and Eats

Trunk or Treat on Main Street

Local Easter Egg Hunt

Royal Oak National Day of Prayer


St. Paul Lutheran Church is firmly grounded in the Word of God.  Our sermons, liturgy, and spiritual growth classes are all based on Scripture.  We believe that we are saved by God’s grace, and that God’s love extends to all.


In 2016, St. Paul Lutheran School celebrated 100 years of providing quality education in a nurturing and loving environment.  We have a low student to teacher ratio.  St. Paul Lutheran School is open to both church families and non-members.


Use our convenient online giving tool to easily establish recurring donations or to make a one-time donation to help support a project.

Worship Times & Location

Sundays at 8:15am & 11:00 am

St. Paul Lutheran Church
202 E. Fifth St, Royal Oak, MI 48067

What to Expect

How should I dress?

Although there is no dress code at St. Paul, you will usually see people wearing business casual clothes — men wearing everything from slacks and collared shirts to suits and ties, and women wearing shirts, blouses or sweaters, along with pants, skirts or dresses. No matter what you choose to wear, the most important thing is that you are comfortable and ready to worship.

Upcoming Events

Coming soon!

Contact Us

Church Office

School Office

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